Capifyo Portal or DSVC Social Ventures PTE. LTD is not a mutual fund company, stock broker, or bank licensed by any MAS/SEBI/RBI/BDBL/OJK. The various company names and logos mentioned on the Capifyo website are provided by Capifyo to you only through the use of their services and are in no way a shareholder or business partner of the company. However, Capifyo promises to provide better services through MSB, VASP License in the coming days if we get your support and good growth of the company. Investing in Capifyo inherently carries market risk. However, the schemes available through Capifyo offer a relatively worry-free investment experience. In particular, preference shares protect your funds, and there is risk when investing in reward-based crowdfunding projects, projects with strong market demand. Capifyo ensures that your principal investment is never completely at risk. When a startup project fails, DSVC Social Ventures PTE. LTD. Will pay some compensation if needed.